Friday, September 26, 2008

Three Cheers for Ron!

As I opened the blog this morning, it was so exciting to see what all had been added. Could not help but say, "Three cheers, Ron, for answering the Spirit's call to host this wonderful blog." Not only has he worked tirelessly taking photos, posting video interviews and speeches, doing his own blogging, etc., but he has most patiently nurtured us first time bloggers until we (or should I say I?) got it right. He has done all this while smiling and as we say in Contemplative Outreach, with utmost charity. So, three cheers, Ron, you are doing a great job, and I am sure all those "tuning in" would agree!


Anonymous said...

Never having attended a Contemplative Outreach annual conference myself, your blog is very informative and inspires one with the intention to attend next year's conference if at all possible. Thanks Ron, this is certainly a "working" conference for you.

Anonymous said...

Ron, you are truly spirit-led. I was completely awed by your beautiful beautiful presentation. I went to bed last night with your picture of that tree with so many roots branching out - a visual of the Contemplative Outreach. This blog is one of those roots connecting with, reaching out to, and nourishing all those throughout the world who aren't able to be with us. More power to you, Ron. Be assured your concerns continue to form part of my prayer offered at the "center".

Thanks too for that picture that made me an instant celebrity.-:)

Unknown said...

Thank you Marge and Grace - I love you both.