Saturday, August 30, 2008


Welcome to the blog of the Contemplative Outreach Annual Conference and Enrichment Weekend, September 24th-28th, 2008, in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. The theme of the conference is "Unity: Oneness in Contemplation," and it features Fr. Thomas Keating, OCSO and Fr. Laurence Freeman, OSB of The World Community of Christian Meditation (WCCM).

Guest bloggers at the conference will share session updates, perspectives and reflections to provide you with a window on the proceedings and a form of "participation" even though you may not be present. It is hoped this outward extension of the conference can serve to further support our common vision and community.

Words and images (photos, videos) will be posted daily. The contemplative communities of Contemplative Outreach and WCCM are invited to visit here throughout the five days of the conference, read the latest posts and share your comments, conversation and community.

Video Welcome