Thursday, September 25, 2008

Widsom Circles

"Wisdom Circles" are small (25 person) groups offered at three times during this first part of the Conference. Apart from exploring important topics (Centering Prayer Groups/Facilitators, Chapters and New Technology, Consensus, National Level Programs, International Committees, Servant-Leadership, Unity Statement) this format is giving me a chance for meaningful face-to-face interactions with other members.

The "Chapters and New Technology" which I attended had a sharing of communication pathways and challenges from email to web pages to shared templates to real-time presentations of meetings. I was filled with thankfulness for the leaders among us that are bringing us through this, especially Ron Barnett, Anita Donnan and Pamela Begeman who is working on new developments for the main Contemplative Outreach web page. It is comforting to me that along with admiration and excitement about the tech advances, we still champion the importance of our personal journey with the small prayer groups.

Posted by Ron Barnett for Vivien Michals

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